The Closing Session of Symposium

The Closing Session of Symposium

1st International A Luminary A Country Symposium”, hosted by our university and organized as the first in this year, has ended with the closing session.
In the closing session, Asst. Prof. Mümin Hakkıoğlu, an advisor of Rector and the head of organising board, Admir MULAOSMANOVIC, the Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Rashad Asgarov from Azerbaıjan National Academy of Sciences, Aliye Fatma Mataracı from International University of Sarajevo, Davut Nuriler, the old counsellor of premiership and Nudzejma Obralic from International University of Sarajevo have made their speech.
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Zeybek has evaluated the symposium; “We did not talk only about a statesman born in 1925 and died in 2003. We have tried to get to know Alija Izetbegović more closely. He was not only a jurist or philosopher but also an advocate of the Islamic world.
After closing session of the symposium, a cultural tour has been made a historical and touristic destination.
  • Gösterim 4166
  • Toplam 8